EditorConfig 1.0.2 by Panic Inc. EditorConfig Support (http://editorconfig.org/) For Coda 2.5 or higher
EmmetCoda 1.0.4 by Sergey Chikuyonok Emmet — the essential toolkit for web-developers For Coda 2.5 or higher
Run Script Plugin 1.0.1 by Scott Harwell Run shell scripts directly from Coda 2 For Coda 2.5 or higher
Chromium Coda 1.1 by AhmedGeek Run Chrome Apps And Extensions From Inside Coda, Generate Manifests and Upload to Store. For Coda 2.0.1 or higher
CommentBlock 1.0 by Norman Russo Cool comment block to the selected text! Multiple Style for every needs For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
Comparator v13 by WEBER Antoine Comparator is a Coda2 plugin, that launch your favorite diff tool, and compare files. For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
Decode Base64 encoded text 1.0 by Duncan Stickings Decode Base64 encoded text For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
EditorConfig 1.0.2 by Panic Inc. EditorConfig Support (http://editorconfig.org/) For Coda 2.5 or higher
EmmetCoda 1.0.4 by Sergey Chikuyonok Emmet — the essential toolkit for web-developers For Coda 2.5 or higher
Emporter 1.0.0 by Young Dynasty EURL Instantly create a secure, public preview URL to your project For Coda 2.5 or higher
ESLint JS Validator 1.0 by Marcel Wlotzka ESLint JavaScript validator. Note: You need to have ESLint installed. ~/.eslintrc or local projects .eslintrc is used for configuration. For Coda 2.5 or higher
File Path Picker 1.0 by Joe Dakroub Pick a file to insert the absolute or relative path with double, single or no quotes directly into the editor. For Coda 2.0.1 or higher
HTML Entities 1.0 by Joe Dakroub Encode characters into HTML entities via the Special Characters palette. For Coda 2.0.1 or higher
Kara 1.2.0 by theeluwin A plugin that removes trailing whitespaces and adding newline at the file's end if it doesn't exist. For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
Microformats 1.3 by Joe Dakroub Create valid hCard, hCalendar and hReview microformats by filling out simple forms. Now features Address Book integration. For Coda 2.0.1 or higher
PHP PSR-2 Fixer 1.1.3 by Gabriel Bordeaux Uses PHP_CodeSniffer to automatically fix PHP coding standards issues - project at https://github.com/gabfl/PHP-PSR-2-Fixer-Coda-Plugin For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
PhpPlugin 4.2beta by Mario Fischer Validate/reformat PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Minify For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
PyRun 1.0 by Adam Różyński Mark as a main file and run python script with ease. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Remove Empty Lines 1.1 by Gabriel Ulici Quickly and easily remove all empty lines from the current file For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
Run Script Plugin 1.0.1 by Scott Harwell Run shell scripts directly from Coda 2 For Coda 2.5 or higher
SHA-Integrity 1.2 by Jeff Neilson Build HTML link with SHA hash of remote CSS/JS files. Highligh FQDN asset ex. cdn.example.com/main.js No HTTP:// click Plug-ins, SHA- Integrity.... For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
URL Encoder & Decoder 1.0.0 by Anders Frohm URL-encodes/-decodes the selected text. For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
WakaTime 1.0.3 by WakaTime Metrics automatically generated from your programming activity For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
Web Sharing 1.0 by Joe Dakroub Enable and disable Apple Web Sharing (Apache) with the flick of a switch. For Coda 2.0.1 or higher
White Out 2.0.5 by Erik Hinterbichler Automatically trims whitespace from the end of files on save. For Coda 1.6.8 or higher
Anchorme 1.0 by Benjamin H Anchorme is a readable theme for Coda 2 there makes it easy to spot whats is going on in your code. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Atomic 1.0 by Benjamin H A light theme there have focus on readability, and it’s easy to learn to code with, it’s use color’s close up to Coda’s own For Coda 2.5 or higher
Clockwork 1.0 by Benjamin H A dark theme inspirited by one of Atoms most used theme. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Codecademy 1.0 by Daniel Bracey A combination of colors from new and old Codecademy lessons. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Dracula 1.0 by Colours: @zenorocha | Stylesheet: @defective_bit A dark theme for Coda. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Espresso-ish Dark 1.0 by Jim Mock Based on the default syntax colors of MacRabbit's Espresso. (Dark variant) For Coda 2.5 or higher
Espresso-ish Light 1.0 by Jim Mock Based on the default syntax colors of MacRabbit's Espresso. (Light variant) For Coda 2.5 or higher
Inspectus Elementé 1.0 by Daniel Bracey A dark theme based on the Chrome element inspector. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Ruby Blue 1.0 by Jean Pierre Kolb "Ruby Blue" inspired syntax highlighting theme for Coda. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Tomorrow Night Bright 1.0 by Justin Hileman Tomorrow Night Bright color theme. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Tomorrow Night Eighties 1.0 by Justin Hileman Tomorrow Night Eighties color theme. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Advanced Custom Fields 1.7.0 by studio RVOLA Autocompletion for ACF / bundle 5.4.x - https://github.com/rvola/Advanced-Custom-Fields For Coda 2.5 or higher
Bash 1.2 by William Jamieson Bash script syntax highlighting mode for Coda 2.x For Coda 2.5 or higher
Canvas Completion 1.2.1 by Florian Matouschek A Coda plugin that adds completion for js canvas functions. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Clojure 1.0 by Jonathan Fischer Clojure language syntax highlighting mode for Coda 2.x For Coda 2.5 or higher
Dockerfile 1.1 by Christian R. Vozar Dockerfile syntax highlighting mode for Coda 2.x For Coda 2.5 or higher
EcoTemplate 1.0.1 by Chad Whitman Provides syntax highlighting for Embedded CoffeeScript templates. For Coda 2.5 or higher
Go 1.6 by Christian R. Vozar Go language syntax highlighting mode for Coda 2.x For Coda 2.5 or higher
Terraform 1.0 by Joe Smith Terraform https://github.com/Yasumoto/Terraform.mode For Coda 2.5 or higher
UI Automation JavaScript Additions 1.0 by Panic Inc. UI Automation JavaScript autocompletion addition. For Coda 2.5 or higher
UMI.CMS 2.9.7 Additions 1.0 by Evgeny Kolotilin UMI.CMS 2.9.7 autocompletion addition. For Coda 2.5 or higher
WordPress 4.7 Additions 1.8 by Till Krüss Auto-completion for WordPress 4.7 functions/constants. For Coda 2.5 or higher
PANTONEcolors 1.2 by D.G. Midwinter A color palette of Pantone #hex and rgb() color values For Coda 2.5 or higher
TODOLists 1.1 by D.G. Midwinter Locate, modify and filter TODO comments from the sidebar. For Coda 2.5 or higher